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Yuca DE LA HUENTE - Notes

1. ES.47161.AGS/1.2.32//RGS,LEG,149807,113; Attached To Other Event, Citation
2. {rtf1ansiansicpg1252cocoartf1187cocoasubrtf390 {fonttblf0fswissfcharset0 ArialMT;f1fnilfcharset0 HelveticaNeue; f0fs22 cf2 f1fs26 cf0 Commission Gutierrez Juan Tello, corregidor of Salamanca, resolved the differences of the Archbishop of Santiago with Jew Yucca de la Huente which is now called Alvarez de la Pena,neighbouring the city, and Fernando de Torquemada, neighbor of Aranda, about certain casas-Consejo f0fs22 cf2 1498-07-11 Zaragoza; Attached To Other Event

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