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0 @I681@ INDI 1 NAME Yuca /de La HUENTE/ 2 GIVN Yuca 2 SURN de La HUENTE 1 SEX M 1 _UID C2CCAD17D2A646999BA6B94E59FC7D9255EE 1 CHAN 2 DATE 2 JUN 2014 1 EVEN 2 TYPE Misc 2 DATE 1498 2 PLAC Salamanca Spain, 2 NOTE {rtf1ansiansicpg1252cocoartf1187cocoasubrtf390 3 CONT {fonttblf0fswissfcharset0 ArialMT;f1fnilfcharset0 HelveticaNeue; 3 CONT 3 CONT 3 CONT 3 CONT 3 CONT f0fs22 cf2 3 CONT 3 CONT 3 CONT f1fs26 cf0 Commission Gutierrez Juan Tello, corregidor of Salamanca, re 3 CONC solved the differences of the Archbishop of Santiago with Jew Yucca de l 3 CONC a Huente which is now called Alvarez de la Pena,neighbouring the city, a 3 CONC nd Fernando de Torquemada, neighbor of Aranda, about certain casas-Cons 3 CONC ejo 3 CONT 3 CONT 3 CONT f0fs22 cf2 3 CONT 3 CONT 3 CONT 3 CONT 1498-07-11 Zaragoza 2 SOUR @S4@ ("Archivo General Simancas (AGS) - Valladolid") 3 _TMPLT 4 FIELD 5 NAME Page 3 NOTE ES.47161.AGS/1.2.32//RGS,LEG,149807,113 1 RELI Judio Converso 1 RESI Salamanca