Name | Full Name | Jacob RICO |
Forename | Jacob | |
Surname | RICO | |
Sex | Male | |
Death | 1520i, 1, Salamanca Spain, | |
Spouse | Spouse Unknown [Family] | |
Children | 1. Juan MARTIN PORQUERO 2. Francisca RODRÍGUEZ 3. Francisco DE SALAMANCA 4. Gonzalo DE LA FUENTE | |
Change Date | Date | 06/02/2014 |
Jacob RICO. Jacob died in 1520i, 1 in Salamanca Spain. 3 sons and one daughter listed. |
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1. Record of the lawsuit litigado by Francisco de Salamanca, Gonzalo de la Fuente and Francisca Rodriguez, wife of Juan de Torres, residents of Medina del Campo (Valladolid), with JuanMartin Porquero, neighbor in Fuentesauco (Zamora), over the ownership of some houses with their poultry located in the new town of Fuentesauco, claiming the plaintiffs as heirs of Jacob Rico, Jew,deceased, and the bishopric of Zamora claimed their property. 1520-01-19
i. Archivo de la Real Chancilleria de Valladolid2; [Source Record]