Date | Kind | Origin | Details | |
1492 | Other Eventi, 1 | Event | Type | Misc |
Place | Benavente, | |||
Religion | Attribute | Judio | ||
Residence | Attribute | Benavente |
1. To the degree Diego Garcia de Mercado, Mayor in the lands of the count of Benavente, and the justices of the village of this name, so, at the request of Mose, neighbouring Jewishbookseller of Valladolid, they liberten Y'fcce and Yuda, chapineros, siblings, neighbors of Salamanca, accused of certain debts, in order to get out of these kingdoms. 1492-06-07 Valladolid
2. ES.47161.AGS/,LEG,149206,179
i. Archivo General Simancas (AGS) - Valladolid2; [Source Record]