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Source Record: "Valiente Lourtau, Alejandro"

Source Record: "Valiente Lourtau, Alejandro" - GEDCOM Text

This shows the text of this entry within the GEDCOM file (with any input character set conversions already applied).

0 @S11@ SOUR 
  1 ABBR Valiente Lourtau, Alejandro. Breve Historia de Coria
  1 TITL Valiente Lourtau, Alejandro
  1 _SUBQ Valiente Lourtau, Alejandro
  1 _BIBL Valiente Lourtau, Alejandro.
  1 TEXT 
   2 CONT 
   2 CONT 
   2 CONT 
   2 CONT 
   2 CONT  Valiente Lourtau, Alejandro. Breve Historia de Coria. Coria: Imprenta C
   2 CONC ERRO, 2002.
  1 NOTE Call number:
  1 _TMPLT 
    2 TID 0
    2 FIELD 
      3 NAME Footnote
      3 VALUE Valiente Lourtau, Alejandro
    2 FIELD 
      3 NAME ShortFootnote
      3 VALUE Valiente Lourtau, Alejandro
    2 FIELD 
      3 NAME Bibliography
      3 VALUE Valiente Lourtau, Alejandro.

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