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0 @I513@ INDI 
    2 GIVN Simuel
  1 SEX M
  1 _UID 92C970E8018A4EEB8E01F3EDB490F3C7E40F
  1 CHAN 
    2 DATE 2 JUN 2014
  1 EVEN 
    2 TYPE Alive
    2 DATE 1496
    2 PLAC Ciudad Rodrigo,
    2 NOTE 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT Alvaro del Castillo, notary public number of Huete, delivered census th
     3 CONC at don Simuel Abenxuxen contracts, Jew, had over the houses of Rodrigo d
     3 CONC e Villena, resident of that city, which census contracts belonged to th
     3 CONC e notary of Chamber, Alonso de el Marmol.
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 1496-05-27 Moron
    2 SOUR @S4@ ("Archivo General Simancas (AGS) - Valladolid")
      3 _TMPLT 
        4 FIELD 
          5 NAME Page
      3 NOTE ES.47161.AGS/1.2.30//RGS,LEG,149605,175
  1 EVEN 
    2 TYPE Misc
    2 DATE 1496
    2 PLAC Ciudad Rodrigo,
    2 NOTE 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT Initiative to Juan Perez de Barradas, Huete corregidor, at the request o
     3 CONC f the notary of Chamber Alonso of marble which claims the mercy of cert
     3 CONC ain maravedis of bread of census ingoods that were don Simuel Abenxuxen
     3 CONC , Jew, located in the houses of Rodrigo de Villena, neighbor of the cit
     3 CONC y, and to have them to the mentioned Villena refuses to pay them
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 1496-05-27 Moron
    2 SOUR @S4@ ("Archivo General Simancas (AGS) - Valladolid")
      3 _TMPLT 
        4 FIELD 
          5 NAME Page
      3 NOTE ES.47161.AGS/1.2.30//RGS,LEG,149605,187
  1 OCCU Noble (Don)
  1 RELI Judio
  1 RESI Ciudad Rodrigo

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