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Family Record: Ceti RODRÍGUEZ DE ESCOBAR x Unknown

Family Record: Ceti RODRÍGUEZ DE ESCOBAR x Unknown - Chronology

Date Kind Origin Details
1492 Other Eventi, 1 Child Event [García RODRÍGUEZ DE ESCOBAR] Type Alive
Place Trujillo Spain,
1492 Other Eventi, 1 Spouse Event [Husband] Type Post mortem
Place Trujillo Spain,
Residence Child Attribute [García RODRÍGUEZ DE ESCOBAR] Trujillo
Religion Child Attribute [García RODRÍGUEZ DE ESCOBAR] Judio Converso
? Son This Family García RODRÍGUEZ DE ESCOBAR
Residence Spouse Attribute [Husband] Trujillo
Religion Spouse Attribute [Husband] Judio
Occupation Spouse Attribute [Husband] Physician


1. So that 'c1lvaro de Porras, chief magistrate of Trujillo, has to give to Garcia Rodriguez de Escobar, convert, son of Ceti, physician Jew, the part of the goods that correspond(fit) to him of its father and that deny to him for having become a Christian. 1492-05-04 Santa Fe
2. ES.47161.AGS/,LEG,149205,362


i. Archivo General Simancas (AGS) - Valladolid2; [Source Record]

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