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0 @I853@ INDI 
  1 NAME Isaque /CASTILLO/
    2 GIVN Isaque
  1 SEX M
  1 _UID 21A11F6045D94668B86BC8C26D19BEC2C068
  1 CHAN 
    2 DATE 2 JUN 2014
  1 EVEN 
    2 TYPE Alive
    2 DATE 1490
    2 PLAC Trujillo Spain,
    2 NOTE {rtf1ansiansicpg1252cocoartf1187cocoasubrtf390
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT Letter so that the chief magistrate of Trujillo judges on the demand pr
     3 CONC esented by Isaque Castillo, Jew, neighbor of this city, against its son
     3 CONC -in-law, so that he pays certain quantity tohim.
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT  1490-07 Cordoba
    2 SOUR @S4@ ("Archivo General Simancas (AGS) - Valladolid")
      3 _TMPLT 
        4 FIELD 
          5 NAME Page
      3 NOTE ES.47161.AGS/1.2.24//RGS,LEG,149007,123
  1 EVEN 
    2 TYPE Misc
    2 DATE 1490
    2 PLAC Trujillo Spain,
    2 NOTE 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT Commission by request of Isaque of Castle, Jew, neighbor of Trujillo, w
     3 CONC ho claims certain quantity to other Jews of the city.
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 1490-07-06 Cordoba
    2 SOUR @S4@ ("Archivo General Simancas (AGS) - Valladolid")
      3 _TMPLT 
        4 FIELD 
          5 NAME Page
      3 NOTE ES.47161.AGS/1.2.24//RGS,LEG,149007,281
  1 EVEN 
    2 TYPE Misc
    2 DATE 1490
    2 PLAC Trujillo Spain,
    2 NOTE 
     3 CONT {fonttblf0fswissfcharset0 ArialMT;f1fnilfcharset0 HelveticaNeue;
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT f0fs22 cf2 cb3
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT f1fs26 cf0 Insurance in favor of Isaque Castillo, nearby Jew of Trujill
     3 CONC o, and to Jumila, its wife, and to Azibiuna, its daughter, who for havi
     3 CONC ng helped in things regarding the Inquisition are afraid of other Jews.
     3 CONT f0fs22 cf2
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT cf2
     3 CONT 1490-07-07 Cordoba
    2 SOUR @S4@ ("Archivo General Simancas (AGS) - Valladolid")
      3 _TMPLT 
        4 FIELD 
          5 NAME Page
      3 NOTE ES.47161.AGS/1.2.24//RGS,LEG,149007,154
  1 RELI Judio
  1 RESI Trujillo
  1 FAMS @F37@ (Isaque CASTILLO x Jumila CASTILLO)

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Web page generated using GedScape software (