Date | Kind | Origin | Details | |
1490 | Other Eventi, 1 | Spouse Event [Wife] | Type | Misc |
Place | Trujillo Spain, | |||
1490 | Other Eventi, 2 | Spouse Event [Husband] | Type | Misc |
Place | Trujillo Spain, | |||
1490 | Other Eventi, 1 | Child Event [Azibiuna CASTILLO] | Type | Misc |
Place | Trujillo Spain, | |||
1490 | Other Eventii, 3 | Spouse Event [Husband] | Type | Alive |
Place | Trujillo Spain, | |||
1490 | Other Eventiii, 4 | Spouse Event [Husband] | Type | Misc |
Place | Trujillo Spain, | |||
Residence | Child Attribute [Azibiuna CASTILLO] | Trujillo | ||
Religion | Child Attribute [Azibiuna CASTILLO] | Judia | ||
Religion | Spouse Attribute [Wife] | Judia | ||
Residence | Spouse Attribute [Wife] | Trujillo | ||
Religion | Spouse Attribute [Husband] | Judio | ||
? | Daughter | This Family | Azibiuna CASTILLO | |
Residence | Spouse Attribute [Husband] | Trujillo |
1. Insurance in favor of Isaque Castillo, nearby Jew of Trujillo, and to Jumila, its wife, and to Azibiuna, its daughter, who for having helped in things regarding the Inquisition areafraid of other Jews. 1490-07-07 Cordoba
2. {fonttblf0fswissfcharset0 ArialMT;f1fnilfcharset0 HelveticaNeue; f0fs22 cf2 cb3 f1fs26 cf0 Insurance in favor of Isaque Castillo, nearby Jew of Trujillo, and to Jumila, its wife, and to Azibiuna, its daughter, who for having helped in things regarding the Inquisition are afraid of other Jews. f0fs22 cf2 cf2 1490-07-07 Cordoba
3. {rtf1ansiansicpg1252cocoartf1187cocoasubrtf390 Letter so that the chief magistrate of Trujillo judges on the demand presented by Isaque Castillo, Jew, neighbor of this city, against its son-in-law, so that he pays certain quantity tohim. 1490-07 Cordoba
4. Commission by request of Isaque of Castle, Jew, neighbor of Trujillo, who claims certain quantity to other Jews of the city. 1490-07-06 Cordoba
5. ES.47161.AGS/1.2.24//RGS,LEG,149007,154
6. ES.47161.AGS/1.2.24//RGS,LEG,149007,123
7. ES.47161.AGS/1.2.24//RGS,LEG,149007,281
i. Archivo General Simancas (AGS) - Valladolid5; [Source Record]
ii. Archivo General Simancas (AGS) - Valladolid6; [Source Record]
iii. Archivo General Simancas (AGS) - Valladolid7; [Source Record]