1. | <<Libro tercero viejo>> fols. 185v-196.; Attached To Other Event, Citation |
2. | page 196-200; Attached To Other Event, Citation |
3. | Page 264-265, 267, 269 fol.5v, and 275-279 doc.5.; Attached To Other Event, Citation |
4. | leg. 1, num. 45.; Attached To Other Event, Citation |
5. | Pages 270-272; Attached To Other Event, Citation |
6. | “Documentos hebreos de Plasencia”, Sefarad, 59, 2 (Madrid 1999) págs. 309–317.; Attached To Other Event, Citation |
7. | {fonttblf0fswissfcharset0 Helvetica;f1fromanfcharset0 Times-Roman; de Hervas interprets the name below to be Salamon Abenhabibe. f1fs32 cf2 "[3] e suyas de la dicha donya Vellida a don Salamon ben Habib bar Yishac [Salam'dbn Abenhabibe], su alma descanse en el Ed'c8n, su yerno, por diez e ses mil maravedis,"; Attached To Other Event |
8. | leg. 1, num. 51.; Attached To Other Event, Citation |
9. | Pages 403-408, 409-410; Attached To Other Event, Citation |
10. | Legado Benavides Checa; <<Capellanias y sepulturaso.>>; Attached To Other Event, Citation |
11. | leg. 5, num. 30.; Attached To Other Event, Citation |
12. | leg. 5, num. 33.; Attached To Other Event, Citation |
13. | Page 412-417.; Attached To Other Event, Citation |
14. | <<Libro tercero viejo>> fols. 78-102v. 2. Cit BENAVIDES CHECA Prelados págs. 81-82, LÓPEZ MARTÍN Paisaje Urbano págs. 120, 132, 216, 221 y 223.; Attached To Other Event, Citation |
15. | Quize se trate de la vida de Yuce Abenhabibe, hermano de Salam'dbn Abenhabibe (ACP, ACC, Libro tercero viejoa fol. 197v.); Attached To Other Event |
16. | leg. 8, núm. 1.; Attached To Other Event, Citation |