Date | Kind | Origin | Details | |
1477 | Other Eventi, 1 | Spouse Event [Wife] | Type | Misc |
Place | Ciudad Rodrigo, | |||
1477 | Other Eventi, 1 | Spouse Event [Husband] | Type | Misc |
Place | Ciudad Rodrigo, | |||
Religion | Spouse Attribute [Wife] | Judia | ||
Occupation | Spouse Attribute [Wife] | Doña | ||
Residence | Spouse Attribute [Wife] | Ciudad Rodrigo | ||
Residence | Spouse Attribute [Husband] | Ciudad Rodrigo | ||
Religion | Spouse Attribute [Husband] | Judio | ||
Occupation | Spouse Attribute [Husband] | Rabí |
1. To Gonzalo de 'c1vila, master of Villatoro and Navamorcuende, to Rodrigo de Valderrabano, councilor of Avila, and to the justices of this city, by request of D.'aa Plita, Rabbi's wife Ficio, Jew, neighbor of Avila, so that they fulfill the accomplishments hit against Fernando de Herrera, chief magistrate who was of the above mentioned city, in suit that both treated. 1477-06-23 Trujillo
2. ES.47161.AGS/1.2.11//RGS,LEG,147706,262,1
i. Archivo General Simancas (AGS) - Valladolid2; [Source Record]