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Yuça ABRAVANEL - Chronology

Date Kind Origin Details
1492 Other Eventi, 1 Spouse Event [Spouse] Type Misc
Place Guadalupe, , Spain,
1492 Other Eventi, 2 Event Type Misc
Place Guadalupe, , Spain,
Religion Spouse Attribute [Spouse] Judia
Occupation Spouse Attribute [Spouse] Doña
Residence Spouse Attribute [Spouse] Guadalupe
Residence Attribute Guadalupe
Religion Attribute Judio
Occupation Attribute Noble (Don)


1. Commission to the contino Fernan Yanez de Alcocer, at the request of the Jew don Yuca Abravanel, neighbor of Plasencia, complaining of people who put demands his wife, Don JacoAbravanel, his brother, and their servants, with the aim of preventing him of these kingdoms in the time limit set for this to the Jews; (e) by inhibiting in case a doctor for Castro, residence of thementioned city judge. 1492-06-20 Guadalupe
2. Commission to the contino Fernan Yanez de Alcocer, at the request of the Jew don Yuca Abravanel, neighbor of Plasencia, complaining of people who put demands his wife, DonJaco Abravanel, his brother, and their servants, with the aim of preventing him of these kingdoms in the time limit set for this to the Jews; (e) by inhibiting in case a doctor for Castro, residence of the mentioned city judge. 1492-06-20 Guadalupe
3. ES.47161.AGS/,LEG,149206,95


i. Archivo General Simancas (AGS) - Valladolid3; [Source Record]

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