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This shows the text of this entry within the GEDCOM file (with any input character set conversions already applied).

0 @I562@ INDI 
  1 NAME María /ÁLVAREZ/
    2 GIVN María
  1 SEX F
  1 _UID 3F979C548E3E4602812BC6E809DB4BB41715
  1 CHAN 
    2 DATE 2 JUN 2014
  1 EVEN 
    2 TYPE Misc
    2 DATE 1494
    2 PLAC Plasencia, Provincia de Cáceres, EXTREMADURA, SPAIN,
    2 NOTE 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT To the chief magistrate of Plasencia on the goods of Salomon Zobre, tak
     3 CONC en the meter of the count of Nieva when that one - for being a Jew - we
     3 CONC nt out of the kingdom. By request ofMaria 'c1lvarez, Jewish convert, wi
     3 CONC fe of the above mentioned Zobre, who had lived in the town of Valverde, w
     3 CONC hich belongs to the above mentioned count of whom they had had certain r
     3 CONC evenues leasehold.
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 1494-07-06 Segovia
    2 SOUR @S4@ ("Archivo General Simancas (AGS) - Valladolid")
      3 _TMPLT 
        4 FIELD 
          5 NAME Page
      3 NOTE ES.47161.AGS/,LEG,149407,193
  1 RELI Judia Conversa
  1 RESI Plasencia
  1 FAMS @F83@ (Solomon ZOBRE x María ÁLVAREZ)

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