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(Scroll to the bottom of the page to access the database)


Release Information:


Prepared for:

International Institute for Jewish Genealogy (IIJG) and Paul Jacobi Center


Prepared by:

Roger L. Martinez-Davila, Ph.D.

University of Colorado-Colorado Springs

Department of History

1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway

Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 USA





Release Date:

17 June 2014




The Sephardic Extremaduran Genealogical Database is an electronic file that reports the personal and familial background for Jewish, converso, and a few Christian individuals (who were closed associated with Jewish and converso persons) who lived in the Spanish Extremadura  during the twelfth through eighteenth centuries C.E. The file, or database, is a standardized GEDCOM (GEnealogical Data COMmunications. GEDCOM) format. The database was created using RootsMagic 6 (a Windows OS software application).




The Sephardic Extremaduran Genealogical Database includes:

*924 individuals,

*123 families/surnames,

*Earliest date for an individual is 1153 C.E. (common era) and the latest is 1706 C.E.,

*3,503 recorded life events - for example living in a particular village,

*50 place locations,

*28 primary and secondary sources, and

*1,202 individual citations recorded.




The Spanish archives consulted for this project include: Archivo Historico Municipal de Bejar, Museo Judio David Melul (Bejar, Spain), Archivo Historico Municipal de Coria, Archivo Historico Municipal de Ciudad Real, Archivo de la Catedral de Ciudad Real, Archivo Historico Municipal de Plasencia, Biblioteca del Seminario Mayor Diocesano de Plasencia, Biblioteca Pblica del Estado de Cceres (BPEC), Archivo Historico Nacional (Madrid), Archivo General Simancas (AGS) – Valladolid, Archivo del Duque de Alba, and Archivo de la Real Chancilleria de Valladolid.


The printed primary and secondary sources consulted by Dr. Martinez include:

Archivo de Granadilla. Granadilla: De La reconquista Al Destierro De Lasaguas Siglos XXII- XXI. (No additional publication information available.)

Lacave, J.L. Documentos hebreos de Plasencia, Sefarad 52, 2. Madrid: CSIC, 1999.

Lera Maillo, Jose Carlos de. Catalogo De Los Documentos Medievales De la Catedral De Zamora, 1999.

Baer, Y. Die Juden in chriotlichen Spanien. 1929.

Cantera Burgos, Francisco. Sinagogas Espaolas. Madrid: Reimpresin Madrid, 1984.

Hervs, Marciano de. Historia de los judos de Plasencia y su tierra. Plasencia: Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Plasencia (Coleccin Estudios Judaicos), 2009.

Hervas, Marciano de. La invencin de la tradicin judaBejar: Centro de Estudios Bejaranos-Artes Graficas Bretn, 2010. ISBN: 978-84-931624-6-7.

Hervas, Marciano de. La Vida en las Tierras de Granadilla: Romanos, Judios y Cristianos. Granadilla: Asociacion Caparra para el desarrollo de la comarca, 2003.

Len Tello, P. (1963). Judios de vila. vila: Excma. Diputacin Provincial de vila.

Llorente, Juan Antonio. Historia crtica de la Inquisicin en Espaa, Tomo I. Madrid: Hiperin, 1981. Second Edition.

Lera Maillo, Jose Carlos de. Catalogo De Los Documentos Medievales De la Catedral De Zamora. Zamora, 1999.

Sanchez Loro, Domingo. Historias Placentinas Ineditas. Volumen B. Caceres: Institucion Cultural del la Excma. Dupotacion Provincial de Caceres, 1983.

Vaca Lorenzo, Angel. Documentacin Medieval Del Archivo Parroquial de Villalpando (Zamora). Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca y Colegio Universitario de Zamora, 1988.

Vaca Lorenzo, Angel. Documentacin Medieval Del Monasteriode Santa Clara de Villalobos (Zamora). Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca y Colegio Universitario de Zamora, 1991.

Valiente Lourtau, Alejandro. Breve Historia de Coria. Coria: Imprenta CERRO, 2002.


Limitations of Data and Sources


Important notes on the completeness of the data:

*Not all data fields are populated for each person — if there is no information, then the field is left blank. At times the database will report unknown or ? if there is no information.

*Not all person (events) facts will be tied back to a citation source. In some cases, only one citation source can be provided for a person. At times, each person will only have one citation source.

*At times, English occupational titles may not be reported accurately due to issues with translating the original Spanish term into the English language.

*At times, the primary and secondary sources used by the researcher provide incomplete reference data or citations.


Overview of HTML Menus for this Database


Main Menu. The opening index page for the database.



*Index of Surnames. The index page for all surnames (i.e. family names, last names) recorded in the database. The index is reported alphabetically.

*Index of All Individuals. The index page for all persons in the database. Data reported includes: Surname, Forename (i.e. given name, first name), Spouse Surname, and Spouse Forename.

*Index of All Place Names. The index page for all geographic locations reported in the database.

*Index of All Dates. The index page for all recorded dates in the database.

*Index of All Citations. The index page for all sources (archival and print sources) and notes (references to specific documents).

*GEDCOM File Structure. The index page presenting the file structure for the database.

* Index of All Individuals with Descendant Charts. The index page for all persons with descendants.

* Index of All Individuals with Pedigree Charts. The index page for all persons with ancestors.

* Index of All Individuals with Family Charts. The index page for all persons with family members.


Overview of an Individual Record. For each individual (person) record in the database, the following menus are reported: (Note: Information may be incomplete.)

*Overview. This page reports the persons full name, forename, surname, sex/gender, and last date the record was updated.

*Chronology. This page reports life events (facts) for person. This includes the calendar year (common era) in which the person was alive or dead, the place of residence, and the religious status of the person (jew/judio/judia, convert/converso/conversa, New Christian/nuevo cristiano/nueva cristiana, Christian).  Notes and Citations fields may report references to source documents.

*Parents. This page reports the mother and father of the person.

*Family. This page reports family members.

*Pedigree. This page reports a pedigree chart.

*Descendants. This page reports the descendants of the person.

*Citations. This page provides references to the primary and secondary sources for the person. Additionally, a Notes field may report a specific document or page reference.

*Notes. This page provides a reference to the specific document or page citation. Additional research notes may be available for the person, which are often students basic translations of Spanish text.

*GEDCOM Text. This page presents the structure of the genealogical record and its attributes.

*Fields. This page reports unique fields recorded for the person in the database. These include:

INDI.NAME. The individual/persons full name.

INDI.NAME.GIVN. The individual/persons given name.

INDI.NAME.SURN. The individual/persons surname name.

INDI.SEX. The individual/persons sex/gender.

INDI.EVEN.TYPE. An event that occurred in the persons life. In most cases this is reported as alive, living, dead, or misc. – an uncertain event.

INDI.EVEN.DATE. The year the event occurred.

INDI.EVEN.PLAC. The geographical place the event occurred.

INDI.EVEN.NOTE. Any notes related to the event.

INDI.EVEN.SOUR. The primary or secondary source for the event

INDI.EVEN.SOUR.NOTE. The specific document or page reference for the event.

INDI.OCCU. The individual/persons occupation.

INDI.RELI. The individual/persons religious status.

INDI.RESI. The individual/persons place of residence.

INDI.FAMS. The individual/persons associated family members.

INDI.CHAN.DATE. The last date the individual/persons record was modified.


Main Menu for the Database (Consult the database using the menu links below.)


Index of Surnames 922 individuals (446 distinct surnames)
Index of All Individuals 924 found
Index of All Place Names 3,542 entries (63 distinct place names)
Index of All Dates 1,146 entries (103 distinct dates)
Index of All Citations 408 citations
GEDCOM File Structure
Index of All Individuals with Descendant Charts 93 found
Index of All Individuals with Pedigree Charts 107 found
Index of All Individuals with Family Charts 261 found

Web page generated using GedScape software
Web page generated using GedScape software (