Research Awards (2017-18) – Instructions to Applicants
Research Awards (2017-18) | Instructions to Applicants | Preferred Research Areas
Instructions to Applicants
- General Information:
- For the “Ignition Grant”, the Institute invites copies of proposals that have been accepted at an institution of higher learning for MA and doctoral theses in the field.
- For the Research Prize, the Institute invites the submission of completed research studies that fall squarely within in the field of Jewish Genealogy, broadly defined – and that has not yet been published.
Entries will be judged by their originality and their potential to expand the horizons of Jewish genealogical research in the arts and/or the exact sciences.
- Preference will be given to:
- Original research in areas of broad interest to family historians and scholars working on Jewish genealogy and a range of related areas in the arts and the exact sciences.
- Original research, the scope of which goes well beyond information gathering and retrieval, or simple data-basing.
- Research requiring a critical evaluation of the sources, analysis and synthesis of data.
- Research that is interdisciplinary and envisages synergisms between Jewish genealogy and other academic disciplines to the benefit of all concerned.
- Applied research that provides a sophisticated tool(s) and technology(ies) for use in the fields of Jewish Genealogy and Family History.
- Non-eligibility
The prize will not be given for:
- Research whose results and accompanying narrative is more allied to another branch of Jewish Studies, such as Jewish history, sociology, culture, etc. rather than Jewish Genealogy per se.
- Research into personal family trees, unless they are of historical significance and/or are of demonstrable interest and relevance to Jewish genealogists generally.
- Assessment
The theses/studies will be judged by members of the Institute’s Academic Committee.
- The judges’ decisions are final and not open to appeal.
- The Institute reserves the right to disqualify research studies that do not conform with these instructions, or for any other reason, without explanation.
- Publication
The intention of both prizes is to assist the recipients in having their work published in an appropriate scholarly framework.
- In any publication, full and proper acknowledgement shall be made of receipt of an Institute prize/grant.
- Theses/studies can by posted on the IIJG website.
- If published elsewhere, an abstract of the thesis/study will be posted on the Institute’s website.
- Format/Style
- The completed thesis/study should preferably be submitted in article or book form.
- It should comprise of an analytical narrative that explains the aims of the research and goes on to contextualize and interpret the results and conclusions for the educated reader.
- The completed thesis/study should be written in academic style and be accompanied by foot-notes and tables and graphs as required, together with full source and biographical references as appropriate.
- Submission date and transmission
- Entries for both the Ignition Grant and Research Prize should be submitted by 30 April, 2018.
- Completed studies/theses proposals should be transmitted electronically to
- Accompanying documents:
For the Ignition Grant, the thesis proposal should be accompanied by:
- Cover Page, with the full title of the research project, preferably concise and to the point;
- The names of the researcher(s) and the name(s) and address(es) of their institutions;
- Signatures and CV(s) of the researcher(s);
- A letter of recommendation from the researcher’s supervisor, confirming that the proposal has been accepted.
For the Research Prize, completed studies should be accompanied by:
- Cover Page, with the full title of the research project, preferably concise and to the point;
- The names of the researcher(s) and the name(s) and address(es) of their institutions;
- An abstract (about 400 words), explaining the importance of the work;
- Signature(s) of the researcher(s), transmitted by separate scan if necessary;
- CV(s) of the researcher(s);
- Declaration by the researcher(s) that the research study has not yet been published in full or in part.
- Prize monies
The awards of $2,500 for the Ignition Grant and of $1,500 for the Research Prize will be made in a single instalment, direct to the recipients.
Click here for Announcement of 2018 Chava Agmon Prize
Click here for Preferred Research Areas
Click here for Announcement for Krueger Ignition Award
Click here for Announcement for Chava Agmon Prize