Parallel Lines | Jacobi Papers | Scottish Jewry | Village Jews | Selected Lectures on Genealogy
Selected Lectures on Genealogy: an Introduction to Scientific Tools, Ed. Daniel H. Wagner
(Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 2013).
Click here for a brief description of this work and its “Table of Contents”.
The booklet may be purchased through PayPal for US $30 or equivalent in NIS (New Israeli Sheqels).
Purchasers paying in NIS are requested to send a check – payable to the “International Institute for Jewish Genealogy” – directly to: International Institute for Jewish Genealogy, POB 39151, Jerusalem, Israel, 9139101.
To purchase via PayPal, click below on “Buy Now”.
A collection of IIJG Researches – Click here for a project proposal to publish the collection.
The Proceedings of the Seminar on the “Genealogy and Family History of Jews in Russia”, held jointly with the Russian Institute for Genealogy at the National Library of Russia in St. Petersburg in September 2012. Click here for a project proposal to publish the proceedings.
Several articles have been published about IIJG research projects and their results.
Moreover, a number of scholars associated with the Institute have published articles which in various ways dovetail with the Institute’s research program.
Click here for bibliographical references to those articles.