ABENFARIZ, Símon, other event | ABENFARIZ, Yuçé, other event | ABENHARIZ, Jacob, other event | ABOLAFRA, Bueno, other event | AGI, Mosé, other event | ALBUER, Isaque, other event | AMIGO, Samuel, other event | AMIZ, Mosé, other event | AMIZ, Orabuena, other event | AMIZ, Yu, other event | CÁCERES, Yuce, other event | CALDERÓN, Símon, other event | ÇERFATI, Mosé, other event | COHEN, Jacob, other event | COHEN, Yuçé, other event | CORDERO, Simuel, other event | DE ACOSTA, Juan Felipe, other event | DE ACOSTA, Juan Felipe, marriage to Ana LÓPEZ [Family] | DE CACERES, Diego, other event | DE CASTRO, Yudá, other event | DE LA HARONA, Abraham, other event | DE LA HARONA, Vella, other event | DE MEDINA, Samuel, other event | DE RUEGO, Jacob, other event | DE VELASCO, María, other event | DEL VADO, Ça, other event | DONIO, Ça, other event | EL LUENGO, Çalama, other event | ESCAPA, Mosé, other event | FAMIZ, Jacob, -1492, death | FERERO, Salamón, other event | FLÓREZ, Antonio, other event | FLÓREZ, Juan, other event | GABÁI, Mosé, other event | GALAZ, Yentó, other event | GÓMEZ DE CABALLERO, Andres, other event | GÓMEZ DE CABALLERO, Juan, other event | GÓMEZ DE CABALLERO, Juan, marriage to Mari SÁNCHEZ PASCUA [Family] | GÓMEZ DEL CASTILLO, Francisco, other event | GONZÁLEZ, Isabel "la salamanquedueño", other event | HAMID, Baruj, other event | HERNÁNDEZ DE LAS MATAS, Juan, other event | HERNÁNDEZ DE LOSADA, Rosa Manuela, other event | | | | HERNÁNDEZ HIDALGO, Inés, other event | HERNÁNDEZ HIDALGO, María, other event | LA RICA, Vellinda, other event | LEVI, Unknown, other event | LÓPEZ DE HONTIVEROS, Juan, other event | LÓPEZ DE HONTIVEROS, Juan, other event | LÓPEZ, Ana, other event | LÓPEZ, Ana, marriage to Juan Felipe DE ACOSTA [Family] | LUMBROSO, Unknown, other event | MAHEJAR, Isay, other event | MAHEJAR, Mosé, other event | MAHEJAR, Velloçid, other event | MOLHO, Yuçé, other event | MORDOFAY, Mosé, other event | MUNOZ DE AGUILAR, Alonso, other event | MUNOZ DE LA CURA, Ferrando, other event | MUÑOZ, Pedro, other event | PASCUA, Mari, other event | PIRILDIN, Josepe, other event | RODRÍGUEZ DE CASTRO, Juan, other event | RODRÍGUEZ DE VIGA, Francisco, other event | SALVADIEL, Mosé, other event | SALVADIEL, Nehoray, other event | SÁNCHEZ PASCUA, Mari, marriage to Juan GÓMEZ DE CABALLERO [Family] | SÁNCHEZ, Andres, other event | SÁNCHEZ, Juan, other event | SAVADIEL, Jacob, other event | UNKNOWN, Çalama "el perrero", other event | UNKNOWN, Lezar, other event | UNKNOWN, Mordohay, other event | UNKNOWN, Nehoray, other event | UNKNOWN, Pedro, other event | UNKNOWN, Samuel, other event | UNKNOWN, Saúl, other event | UNKNOWN, Semuel, other event | UNKNOWN, Sento, other event | UNKNOWN, Velloçid, other event | UNKNOWN, Yudá, other event | ZARCO, Mosé, other event | ZARCO, Samuel, other event | ZARCO, Yuçé, other event | |